Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcome to Donut Earth Society

Bible said earth is like a donut, Veda said earth is like a donut, Alquran said earth is like a donut, BUDDHA SAID EARTH IS LIKE A DONUT.
Welcome to Donut Earth Society.

Earth doesn;t revolve around the sun. Its the sun that revolves around earth. There is a glass dome at sky to cover earth. On the glass, there are sun and moon that being set to create day and night.
But in the next civilization, human will know that. So there is no more day and night since all just simulation of life created by Brahma/God.

An ex-scientist EXPLAINS donut earth and how religions are correct about hell below the earth:

A hundred proofs the Earth is like a donut, with north pole in middle and antartica surrounding it:

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